The client wanted to refresh their website and improve the user experience. They had a team of developers that they wanted to use but asked me to handle the design. Their main focuses being online bookings, increasing footfall and increasing bookings over the phone.
A heatmap analysis of the current site was carried out to work out current user journeys and where people were dropping off. Looking at both desktop and mobile journeys taken by users identified which particular user journeys needed to be streamlined together with information users were struggling to find. From a quick look, it was clear that there wasn’t clear differentiation between purchasing a gift voucher or booking a specific cut.
Mobile & Tablet Users
Desktop Users
Average time per page
Once the pitfalls of the current site had been analysed a wireframe of the site was created with a much improved user experience. The wireframe enabled the new user journeys to be tested and their functionality improved further. To result in a reduction in the number of clicks it takes a user to get from landing on the site to converting.
The imagery used across the old website did not reflect the brands ethos so new professional shots were taken. These were then edited to ensure filtering was consistent across the whole website.
Now to the fun part! Designing and creating a site that appealed to the target audience as well as adhering to the client’s brand guidelines. Both desktop and mobile mockups were created for each page due to the different user journeys being carried out on mobile devices e.g bookings over the phone would be pushed on mobile but were not as vital on desktop. Approval for each page was achieved by working closely with the client’s web developers to create artwork so the website went live as soon as possible.
The client also wanted to introduce a shop section to the website selling their grooming products. This meant that both a basket and checkout needed to be added to the website together with product filtering to enable them to expand their range of products.
Adam Grooming Atelier is a Turkish barber based in London, for gentlemen who are seeking a timeless barbering experience to complement their lifestyles.
ClientAdam Grooming AtelierServicesUX DesignYear2019Linkadamgroomingatelier.com